Had a really nice hike on the Sandwich Range this weekend, joined by Rich aka "Greenleaf" for the occasion. It has been one of the most challenging months (in terms of my goals) in the last few years of hiking for me, having reached 34 4,000-footers in the month of April. I was pleased to have such a pleasant day on the range. It was pretty quiet and peaceful, and the trail stories from the AT, PCT, and others from Greenleaf were intriguing all along the way.
Pine Bend Brook |
Making the way up the steep section on Pine Bend Brook |
View from North Tripyramid |
View from Middle Tripyramid |
View from the South Slide |
View from Passaconaway |
Tripyramids - 9th Round
Whiteface & Passaconaway - 8th Round
"Gridded" out April on Passaconaway.
Trail Conditions:
The entire length of the hike had a very stable monorail, slowly deteriorating. There were lots of post holes to avoid, but the hard surface made it mostly pleasant. We bare-booted to the steepness on Pine Bend Brook, then used microspikes all of the way until we reached bare ground on the Dicey's Mill Trail near the Tom Wiggin Junction. There were a few other miscellaneous bare spots along the way. Snowshoes got a ride on the back all day.
Hike Stats
Trails: Pine Bend Brook Trail, Mt. Tripyramid Trail, Kate Sleeper Trail, Rollins Trail, Dicey's Mill Trail
Distance: 15 miles
Elevation Gain: 5,443 ft.